And I might as well prepare you - they can be exceedingly strange.
So today will be my first musings post (please note that it's a Wednesday).
Typically these odd trains of thought take place in one of two places for me: in the shower, or driving to/from work. I'm alone, doing a bit of a mindless task [saaaafely of course] and in need of some mental stimulation. My high school friends and I coined a phrase for this phenomenon, as we often came up with our best ideas and epiphanies in the shower. We would hurry to school and start a conversation saying "This morning I had the BEST shampooing thought!", which was always an indication that we were about to hear pure obsessive-gossipy-girl gold.
In any case, this morning it happened to be on my way to work. I'm not sure what sparked this, but I often don't know. I started thinking about if I/people I knew were to develop super powers, what would they be? I mean, it would make some sort of sense that to actually develop without some sort of outside source (i.e. Spiderman's spide bite) that a superpower would evolve from an existing special talent or particular personality trait. For example, a comedian that is exceptionally good at impressions might become a shape-shifter!
[Interjection: yes, I honestly do sit and ponder things like this unprovoked in my car.]
So I thought about my friends. My dear friend Madeline is so sweet-natured and has an infectious attitude, I imagine her superpower would be the ability to alter the moods of people around her. Katelyn loves earth/dirt/things growing, so she would be able to control plants. Lindsey is fashion-conscious and super trendy, so she could alter her appearance at will. Krysta is really funny and a great story teller, so her power would be to fully engross and captivate any person within earshot. My cousin Cora inherited our grandmother's inability to NOT cry at any mildly sentimental moment or parting of ways, so I think she would have the ability to create floodwaters in a matter of minutes (from her eyes) and control the water. And the list goes on!
I thought for a while about what my superpower would be, and it's tough. I have some odd talents and quirks. For one, I can hydrate all day long and still only pee like 2, maybe 3 times. Total. From the moment I get up until I go to sleep. I'm like a camel! But what kind of superpower would that be? Turning into a camel would be pretty... lame? Unless I lived in the Sahara. Which I don't. So I'm still working on my own, and am open to suggestions.
Another topic, briefly:
Now I am definitely a huge pet lover, and as previously discussed I am borderline obsessed with my cat. But do you ever stop and think about pets as extremely WEIRD? I mean, I have this tiny beast I keep in my home at all times. Even when I'm at work, or asleep. He sheds his fur anywhere and everywhere he goes. This furry four-legged guy is just walking around my house doing as he pleases. Except he's not a GUY, he is an animal that cannot speak, doesn't have deep thoughts (like weighing the pros and cons of playing with plastic bags at 3am when everyone else is asleep - though history should tell him that he will likely be yelled at with a slight risk of having a pillow-missile launched at him), and therefore can't ever truly relate to me.
But I love him, and I suspect he loves me (slight chance he fakes it for food).
Whoever decided pets were normal and even an expected part of life... they were both totally crazy, and completely a genius. (And I'd wager they liked furry snuggling, too.)
your superhero power could be that you can suddenly appear to harrass your friend's idiot ex boyfriends and then mysteriously vanish. it would be almost... ghastly...
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